We will be releasing these two important historical codes "for free" as a way to get publishers, documentary makers or teams of researchers interested in our work. The work and the important bit of history that has been decoded, is summarised in a documentary book called "Two Grails". The (still unpublished) documentary "Two grails" and the two codes that now will be revealed "for free" comes as a result of 20 years of serious study into what was found to be Rosicrucian codes and ciphers, used by members of a secret anonymous philosophical fraternity called the Rose Cross. The two important codes are just a small "teaser" from a variety of historical codes we have solved.
We discovered a 300 year old forgotten document, left in dusty library shelfs in Germany for almost 300 years. It contained a secret code, leading us to what we believe is among the largest discovery in codebreaking ever. The code explains all the rumours like "The Holy Grail, what is it? Is it a cup, or is it a stone? Or both? And where is it located? We are being led to an ancient strange inscription, that turned out to be an ancient cipher key. And what was the ancient Philosopher's Stone? Who knew? The great artists? Did they encode the secrets in great art-work? Do the Jesuits know? Does the Jesuit pope Francis know the code? The lost (and found) papers of the mysterious German inventor, Jesuit apprentice and alchymist Orffyreus explains it all! We are indeed very excited, as all of this is facts and serious documented research! We cracked THE CODE!
So did we find the Holy Grail?
What grail?
History describes "Two Grails"...
But now more importantly. Did we find the stone? And what did we discover?
Shocking revelations I promise.